In the immersive realm of “There Will Be Dragons in My Future Dreams,” artist, architect, and designer Chong Yan Chuah invites us to soar through the virtual cosmos on the wings of the Cyber::Dragon. A visionary exploration that traverses the boundaries of time, culture, and artistic medium, culminating in a cyber futuristic odyssey that redefines the relationship between tradition and innovation.

At the heart of this exhibition lies the Cyber::Dragon, a digital embodiment of the Chinese dragon enriched with centuries-old stories and traditional symbolism. Here, Chuah envisions a dynamic fusion where the Cyber::Dragon transcends its pixelated existence to become a living repository of collective memories and traditions. Unlike static art, this dragon breathes with the influence of society, responding to virtual interactions that allow spectators to shape its form and movement. In this interplay, the artist sees not only the preservation of traditional richness but also the embrace of limitless possibilities within the digital realm.

Chong Yan Chuah positions artists as dual agents – custodians of cultural heritage and pioneers pushing the boundaries of artistic expression. The Cyber::Dragon serves as a pivotal bridge, connecting the ancient past with an uncharted digital future. This visionary blend illustrates how technology can amplify and redefine traditional art, echoing the artist’s belief that the essence of ancient tales can persist and evolve in the digital age.

The exhibition is an experimental foray into the temporal dimension, transcending the constraints of familiar location-specific cultures, ethnicities, and spiritual identities. Chuah envisions a society rich with future mythologies and potential artifacts, unburdened by the weight of the past. At the core of this endeavor is the intentional reshaping of symbols and allegories, crafting a future lineage through the creation of myths that speak to the evolving narratives of human imagination. In this future dreamscape, dragons cease to be mere relics of the past; they transform into heralds of a mythic future. Here, the boundaries between tradition and innovation dissolve, giving rise to a timeless narrative within the ever-evolving tapestry of human imagination. Chong Yan Chuah’s exhibition is an immersive journey, inviting viewers to not only witness but actively participate in the reimagining of cultural heritage in a technologically charged landscape.

As we traverse this cyber-futurist odyssey, let us join the artist in dreaming of a future where dragons adorn our collective consciousness – not as symbols of the past, but as beacons guiding us towards a mythic horizon where the threads of tradition and innovation are woven seamlessly into the fabric of human creativity. “There Will Be Dragons in My Future Dreams” invites us to envision a timeless narrative where the spirit of ancient tales dances hand in hand with the ever-evolving pulse of the digital age.

Chong Yan Chuah